
Letter vs. Spirit

2 Cor.3:6b

For the letter killeth - Just as the letter on the page stops somewhere betwixt the two surfaces of the paper so is the spiritual life of the one that doesn't seek to penetrate the spiritual truth contained therein.  They stand at the door but are not willing or able to open it and enter in.

But the Spirit giveth life – However for the one that allows the written letter to be absorbed into their spirit, it will be as a door opened unto them.  Just beyond the intellectual limits of their understanding is a place of life. A place where that letter is no longer ink and paper but rather truth ignited and illuminated by God's Holy Spirit.  Oh! Christian, if only we could learn to live here, beyond the ink and paper.  There is a place to be sought after, a place where Peter,  Paul and others have met with our Lord face-to-face, heart to heart, spirit to Spirit, a place of life more abundant. It lies just beyond the written word.

Inspired by God January 18th the year of our Lord 2001. D.Wieland

The Forger's Fire

Dee as I read over this page I had a thought cross my mind that it is not adherence to Christ's teachings that is the answer but rather the assimilation of His very nature. People won't get it until they fall in love with Him. It's kind of like beating on a piece of steel (the carnal nature in us) with a hammer (Christ's teachings) until we are blue in the face. When we look at the steel we have barely dented it. However, if we place the steel in the forger's fire (Christ's Love) until it glows bright orange (where the heat has become a part of the steel) and then take the same hammer (Christ's teachings) and hit it we see the steel forever changed.

The teacher or preacher spends endless hours listening to God and preparing a word to share on Sunday morning or Sunday Evening. The people come and listen but only a few will go away forever changed by the truth they heard. The ones that have experienced His Love....

From an e-mail  written February 5, 2001 by D. Wieland

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Last Update 02/09/01