Angel Unawares


Gazing out the office window Ruby watched the snow falling to the ground, her mind was lost in the beauty of it all. It was amazing how a little snow could turn the cold, dreary alley into a winter wonderland. “Frank always loved the snow,” she mused to herself. She noticed a man in very tattered clothes walking in the alley. “He must be very cold,” she thought as she watched him huddle in a corner trying to get in out of the wind. “Hey Ruby, do you have the sales figures ready yet?” her boss asked.  A little startled she turned, “Yes sir, here they are.” She handed him the papers. “Well, it’s almost time to close so why don’t you go ahead and leave before this weather gets any worse,” her boss instructed. “Okay! Thank you!” she was a little surprised by his offer but she did have some things to do on the way home.  She was still trying to get everything ready for Christmas. The family was coming for Christmas dinner.


That night as Ruby sat reading her Bible and praying over the day’s events she remembered that man in the alley. She suddenly had a thought, I wonder if some of Frank’s old clothes might fit him. Frank was Ruby’s husband that had passed away several years ago. Placing her Bible on the end table she went to the garage and started rummaging through some boxes. She found a good winter coat and several pairs of good warm pants, some shoes, shirts and other items, which she packed in several paper sacks. “I’ll try to find him in the morning.” she thought to herself, as she loaded them into her car.


The next day the sky had cleared and the new fallen snow was beautiful. Ruby was looking forward to seeing Frank’s clothing put to good use. Before parking her car she drove up the alley in the hopes of seeing the man. There was a bare spot on the ground where she had seen him curl up the night before but there was no sign of him. “What should I do Lord?” she thought out loud. “I know he could use these things but how can I get them to him?” Suddenly she saw him bent over a trashcan some distance up the alley. She drove towards him.  As she approached the man he started to move away. “Please wait!” she cried out as she rolled the window down. He stopped and turned toward her. “I didn’t mean anything by it.” he said in a shaky voice, “I was just looking for something to eat. I’m really sorry.” “No! No! It’s okay” Ruby injected, “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just wanted to give you something. Here in my trunk I have some clothes for you.” “But lady, why do you want to help me. I ain’t nothin’ but a street bum.”  His response surprised Ruby, she never thought of him as a bum just a man fallen on hard times. “What’s your name?” Ruby asked. “My name is Michael.” “Well, Michael I have these good clothes that belonged to my husband and I want you to have them.” “Don’t your husband need them?” Michael asked. “No, he doesn’t need them anymore. He died two winters ago.”  Michael dropped his head, “I’m sorry your husband died Lady. Real Sorry!” “It’s OK,” Ruby replied, “he is with the Lord and someday I will see him again. Now come and get these sacks out of my trunk.” After getting the sacks Michael thanked Ruby and they parted company.


Christmas eve, Ruby was clearing off her desk for the holiday. She looked out the window in the hopes of seeing Michael but he was nowhere to be seen. It had been several days since she gave him the clothing. “Oh well!  I guess I will never see him again. At least he should be warm.” She wished her boss a Merry Christmas and headed home. She had Candle light service at church tonight and several items to prepare for dinner tomorrow before going to bed. The Candle light service was wonderful but she missed Frank being by her side. Once every thing was prepared she sat down to pray before going to bed. Michael’s face kept popping into her mind as she prayed. “Well, Lord what am I to do? I haven’t seen him in several days.” The heavens were silent.


Christmas morning the sun was breaking in the Eastern sky. Ruby was up and busy putting the finishing touches on the big dinner. It happened again, Michael’s face flashed through her mind. She stopped what she was doing, put on her coat, got in her car and headed for the alley. She drove down the alley, no Michael, she drove around the block, no Michael. She stopped and asked different people if they knew him or had seen him but still, no Michael. Just as she was about to give up she saw him standing by a dumpster in Frank’s old coat. She drove over to him. “Merry Christmas, Michael.” she said as she opened her car door. “Oh, you’re that lady that gave me your husband’s clothes aren’t you?” “That’s me Michael. My name is Ruby.” Before Michael could say anything Ruby had grabbed him, put him in her car and off they sped. “What are you doing?” Michael asked. “Well, it’s Christmas and you are going to have dinner with my family and I.” “But I’m all stinky and dirty you don’t want me there.” “Yes I do, but even more so the Lord wants you there. You can take a shower and I have some of Frank’s clothes all ready for you to change into.” Knowing it was useless to argue Michael submitted to Ruby’s will.


The family enjoyed their dinner and visit with Michael. Everyone had settled down to nap and relax after eating. Ruby went to find Michael believing he was visiting with the men in the living room as they watched the football game. But he wasn’t there. She searched the whole house, every room but no Michael. No one had seen Michael for several hours. It was then Ruby noticed her Bible lying open on the dining room table. She thought to herself, “Well how did that get here?” She glanced down on the page and noticed a passage circled in gold.


For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36Naked, and ye clothed me: ……………….And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:35-40


It was then Ruby remembered the first two verses of Hebrews 13, “Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. “ This wasn’t any ordinary Michael Ruby had befriended this Michael was spoken of in the Scriptures. Jude 9


Our prayer this Christmas is that you should not only experience The Christ of Christmas but also allow His love and compassion to flow through you and touch the lives of others.

All Scripture from the King James Bible

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